SINGA Lyon offers a rich and diverse program for all interests, with workshops, outings, and gatherings throughout the week. Whether you're passionate about arts, sports, or connection, these activities are an invitation to share, discover, and build meaningful relationships.
What’s on the agenda?
- SINGA Blabla: Connect, play, and discover local tips every Wednesday from 4 PM to 6 PM at Faitout.
- Painting & Drawing: Unleash your creativity every Tuesday from 10 AM to 12 PM at Faitout.
- Capoeira: Dive into this Brazilian dance-fight every Wednesday from 7 PM to 9 PM, Rue Diderot.
- Writing Workshop: Express yourself in any language every Thursday from 5 PM to 7 PM at 259 Rue Vendôme.
- Yoga: Relax and practice yoga every other Thursday at Faitout.
- DAN.CIN.LAB: Participate in the creation of a danced documentary one Saturday a month at Faitout.
- MONINGA Program: Women’s outings and activities twice a month (locations vary).
- Singing Workshop: Sing songs from around the world every other Thursday at Faitout.
- Body ShocX: Get moving and energized every Saturday morning.
- Climbing: Reach new heights every Friday at noon at the Cilmb Up climbing gym.
📌 Locations and schedules may vary: check the full agenda and stay updated on SINGA Lyon’s website: Link to the website.
Don’t miss the chance to experience unique and enriching moments with SINGA Lyon!